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Demonstrating technologies that work in trasnforming rural agriculture for sustainable Development

Demonstrating technologies that work in trasnforming rural agriculture for sustainable Development


URDT together with the farmer scholars mutually develop technologies for transforming farming systems, improving livelihoods and increased household income. 98% of the farmers in Kibaale district are small scale producers. They have been bypassed by services offered by the state agents including extension and education and research and left to use their weather beaten wisdom. They were made to believe that their wisdom is not good and only western based reseach was useful in agriculture. This created dependence on instituions which were not responsive and the information was not very relevant. However, URDT recognized the traditional methods of preserving seeds, protecting the environment and managing water and soils and decided to revive these and other technolgies in collaboration with the farmers. The participatory action oriented research makes the farmer a researcher and user of his own technolgies, hence the principle of ownership which ensures sustainability.


Not particularly
Uganda Rural Development Training


Plot 56/60 Ambassador House, Room 12 Entrance D
PO Box 16253, Kampala, Uganda

+256 41 256704 / 77 883166
+256 41 342270


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