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Youth and Gender Development Program (YGDP)

Youth and Gender Development Program (YGDP)


Youth and Gender Development Program (YGDP) is a step towards mobilizing young people both men and women, to empower them towards making positive change in the community and to put an end to the act of Honor Killing. Through the Youth and Gender Development Program, I have been using four strategies to involve and empower young people in my community. # Capacity building: YGDP is working with youth to enhance their skills and build their capacities. For this YGDP offers two vibrant courses for both girls and boys, English language courses and computer courses. # Awareness raising: Two wonderful teams, that is Cricket team and the theatre group has been established for the awareness raising of the community. # Skill Development: YGDP works with young women of Khuzdar towards empowering them, for this an embroidery centre for girls have been established where about 80 girls come and learn new and modern ways of embroidery for the course period. # Peer to Peer Learning: YGDP uses an open plate form for peer to peer learning process, by establishing the youth forums of both girls and boys. The membership is with out any cost and open, which has been attracting a lot of young people....I believe that using cricket, theater and open spaces of discussion is a great way to involving young people who cave in and are eager to meet and share. Involving youth can never be possible with out using an informal Environment, which has been a lot of help for my initiative. YGDP uses different means of inspiring young people and involving them in making change. Cricket tournaments of the whole district in the logo of “Aurat Baraber Hay” (women are equal) took place in which more then 93 teams from all around Khuzdar took part and which continued for about two months. Street theaters on various issues are organized which gather attention of tribal people and are believed for changing perspectives. The literacy centers as sewing centre, computer centre, language centre are open for all of the young man and women to come and learn, which is a first ever time in Khuzdar, and for the girls.


Development,Gender Equity,Peace
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Youth and Gender Development Program (YGDP)



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