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Gaia Amazonas

Gaia Amazonas


The work of Gaia Amazonas involves constructing the means for effective protection of the Amazon forest and the biological and cultural diversity that it harbors, through indigenous territories (resguardos) and protected areas, in coordination with the Office for National Natural Parks, and promoting the joint construction of environmental governance between indigenous people, government entities and civil society. We work with indigenous communities and authorities only after a written request from, and prior consultation with, the traditional authorities.  Advice, accompaniment and support are framed within an agreement in which Gaia Amazonas and the indigenous organizations establish the aims, as well as the responsibilities and inputs from each side.

Our methodological principles do not pretend to bring answers or theories for indigenous people on how to build their own autonomy. On the contrary, we seek to generate processes and programs from the communities, locally based, with the support of our field advisors. The work focuses on:

  1. Providing advice and training to communities on western concepts.
  2. Promoting and accompanying community research guided by shamans and traditional knowledge holders.
  3. Facilitating the exchange of experiences between communities, as a capacity-building strategy.
  4. Creating spaces for dialogue between indigenous authorities and the State.
  5. Advice to government entities for the effective application of indigenous legislation.
  6. Promoting legislation that responds to local contexts and proposals.
  7. Enabling the exchange of experiences between indigenous communities in border areas, with neighbors in Brazil and Venezuela.

Our methodology stimulates observation, analysis, critique, teamwork and formation, key principles for all processes. Thanks to this, it has been a successful methodology that involves the entire community in a scenario where, from a starting point of understanding daily tasks, indigenous people develop their own learning, strengthen the transfer of traditional knowledge, and develop their capacity for managing knowledge and techniques of the western world.


Education,Development,Environment,Intercultural Dialogue
Gaia Amazonas


Carrera 4, No. 26B, 31 Bogotá, Colombia

(571) 281 4925
(571) 281 4925
(571) 281 4945


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