This is a year around soccer training program that attracts idle teenage young men around Kampala city. Most have dropped out of school and are unemployed. Presently we have around 200 boys grouped into 5 teams playing in the city leagues. Our program works on the prevention side of the street kid problem by providing a structured, disciplined daily sports program to keep teenage boys from broken homes off the streets, out of trouble and off drugs. The head of the program is Stone Ndibassa - a former professional player - who serves as coach, role model and father figure. The whole program is built around his love for these boys and the trust he has earned from them. Many of the guys are Muslims and we have a "Club House" in the Muslim suburb of Kibuli that allows for further contact in the evenings and provides a place for meetings, studies as well as positive entertainment. This program specifically tries to improve understanding and relationships between Muslims and Christians.