Menses and menstrual hygiene falls in the most neglected health subjects worldwide. Millions of women use sand, wood ash, old rags, newspapers & even plastic bags due to non-availability of sanitary pads in India. We even found cases like a women used a piece of blouse & died of tetanus due to a rusted hook, a lady died as a centipede entered her body through the dirty cloth she used. Shame & silence associated with the issue makes it the most taboo subject even among women. The irony is that even the biggest Health/RCH projects don't have a budget for sanitary pads. This is a nationwide intervention, which starts with providing a physical product but stresses more on changing practices, behavior change, education & replication in the long term. The clean cloth pad is developed out of old cloth collected from urban masses. Its made with highly indigenous processes at a cost of just 60 paisa each ($.011) while we also teach the user women to make it on their own.