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Mango Tree Educational Enterprises

Mango Tree Educational Enterprises


Mango Tree manufactures innovative educational tools for schools and Health centers and provides training in how to use them effectively. Our products include educational games and toys, pictorial charts, counseling tools for health care workers, and large format story charts used to ignite discussion on subjects such as gender, communication, and HIV/AIDS. Many of our educational tools are made from locally available materials like grain sacks, bottle tops, recycled slippers (flip-flops), bicycle spokes, gourds, and plastic jerry cans. This makes them easy to replicate by low income educators. Our products impact low-income individuals by improving the quality of educational services they receive. Our clients are teachers and health care workers. The educational model they use in teaching is lecture-based and focused on rote memorization with little regard for meaning or understanding. The few teaching tools available through traditional sources support this out-dated paradigm. Mango Tree's educational products are specially designed to encourage participatory teaching. Learners understand and retain information better because they play an active role in the teaching process. To summarize, the innovative aspect of our products and services are in these three areas:

  1. They are designed collaboratively with grassroots educators.
  2. They are culturally relevant, durable, inexpensive, and made from local materials that can be replicated by users.
  3. They encourage educators to use participatory teaching methods.


Educación,Salud,Equidad de género
No particularmente
Mango Tree


P.O.Box 25312,
Kampala, Uganda
Plot 1479 Naalya Road, Kiwatule

+256 312 263 263



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