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Cows for kids

Cows for kids


 The goal of the project is to make the children to attend school regularly in order to avoid child labor. Also to promote their life standards through the cow loan scheme. 

We select the proper beneficiaries from the Self Help Groups [SHGs] and provide them with the cows to promote their economic activities and thereby send their children to schools regularly. The main criteria of the selection is poverty and having children aged between 4 and 16. In each and every SHG we select 12 members for the CFK project and provide a loan of Rs.20, 000/- and allow them to repay the loan without interests within a period of 36 months.  After the purchase of the cows with the female calves they are insured for a year. The Veterinary Doctor inspects all the cows and calves and is also responsible for treating the cows and calves during the illness. One of his main services is to provide worm clearance and insemination of cows. MERDS is facilitating the SHG for a better marketing which are available in the local area. The people are obtaining regular milk income monthly and repaying a minimum of Rs.500/- to 1000/- as per the schedule. From their income the people can use the money for the expenses of their children, home and cattle feed. While the economic activity is growing we are keenly concentrating on the children’s education. We have started evening tuition centers in each and every CFK village and a teacher is appointed to take care of them. 

In 2008-09 the board of BenG decided that the amount of repayment of the CFK projects can be used for paying the tuition centers. From 2010-11 on the repayment of the CFK projects is also used for paying the computer and sewing courses. 



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Muthamizh Education and Rural Development Society (MERDS)


Uluppagudi (Post), Natham (Taluk),
Dindigul District,
Tamil Nadu,
India – 624 401.

+91 4544 244207
+91 0 9159989958



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